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Rhayi Sabrina

International Relation-Humaniora

Analyzing The Condition of Muslim in the Era of Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi and Globalization

Diperbarui: 27 Oktober 2019   19:51

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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

The current condition of the Palestinians is similar to that of the Muslims when the Baitul Maqdis was dominated by the Crusaders. On 22 Sya'ban 492 H, coinciding with July 15, 1099 AD, when the enemies of Islam to arbitrarily apply to the holy land of the Muslims and Muslims can only pray and rely on God, and also struggle in defending the holy land of the Ummah this islam.

The crusade lasted for almost a century, but it ended when Saladin Al-Ayyubi succeeded in liberating Baitul Maqdis in 583 AD, 91 years after the crusaders residents implied that the long process of Islamic struggle was visible when 91 years ago. The al-Aqsa Mosque, located in the Old City of al-Quds, is a sacred Islamic site. The location also known by the Jews as the Temple Mount, is the most sacred site in Judaism. The mosque is the third holy place of Muslims after Masjid al-Haram in Mecca and al-Nabawi Mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia.

The Palestine land seized and occupied by Israel since 1948, is not a land belonging to the Arabs, nor belonging to the Palestinian people, but it is absolutely the property of the Muslims. all Muslims, not just Arabs, Palestinians, are obliged to return the land to the Muslims. If counted since the Israeli occupation and the establishment of the Jewish State in Palestine from 1948 to the present day, the Palestinian tragedy is over 60 years old. During that time also countless victims on the side of the Palestinian people by the Jewish barbarism. Cruelty for the atrocities committed by Jews against the Palestinian people will never stop, repeated from time to time. Strangely, whenever a case of Israeli-Jewish barbarism against the Palestinian people is concerned, it is simply considered a humanitarian issue. Though Palestinian tragedy is certainly not solely a humanitarian problem. But the root of the Palestinian problem is actually tangent at least with three aspects, namely:

  • Aqidah and shari'a

Palestinian land (Sham) is a land owned by Muslims. In this land stands al-Quds which is a symbol of the greatness of this people and occupies a very noble position.

  • The historical aspect

It is recorded that Sham (Palestine is a part of it) was once ruled by the Romans for seven centuries (64 BC-637 AD). However, the great ideals to usurp Syam from the Roman empire were inflated by the Prophet (s) to the Companions. The long and exhausting struggle of the Muslims only reap the results of the reign of Caliph Umar bin al-Khattab ra. (638 AD). Salahuddin al-Ayyubi as commander of the Muslim forces managed to free back al-Quds from the crusaders who had been occupied for about 88 years (1099-1187).

  • Political aspects

Palestine can not be separated from Zionism and Western imperialism. Zionism is a movement of the Jews to establish a special state for their community in Palestine. Since the beginning of its establishment, the existence of the state of Israel is not out of interest. 

Western imperialist countries, especially Britain and the United States. Muslims should be aware that the issue of Palestine is an Islamic issue, the only way for people to view Palestine is through an Islamic perspective. Muslims would have longed to see the Palestinian territories freed from the tyrant government, the Muslims fighting and sheltering from the cruel power of the Zionists to seize the Muslim holy endurance.


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