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Am I a Dreamer?

Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   09:31

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When I was younger, (5th)  I always get look pictures on abroad from some books whos my father bring to me. I still remember, some of pictures is egipt iconic building and culture of their socity. Not only that, I also get picture all around the world such paris, London and new york, it’s because my father have so much books as I know he got them from his friends, as u know, my father work in united nation as military in Kongo.
I imagine, that I have been visit all the place and I do enjoy how great that adventure. When I see my self on top the eiffel tower and look the paris sparkling night. Wuzzzzzzzzzz…..

now I took piramida at egipt, take some photographs. How nice ….it's like back to a thousand years ago.
Now I am growing fast, but I’m still here, can not going any where. Is any body out there can invite me to go to abroad? Lol, maybe I just a dreamer.

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