by Renny Masmada Appreciation of local art that is one of the branches of culture, if maintained, grown, developed, will create a very large gain in the social sector and the nation’s economy.
Nusantara cultural wealth, if properly interpreted, would be the emotional power of the infinite for the enrichment of the religious repertoire which is so heterogeneous, spread across the region Nusantara, without worrying about a conflict which has emerged precisely because of the negative issues of a group of people who would destroy the unity of the nation.
Evidently, hundreds of years the nation was able to adapt to different cultures, civilizations and religions that come from outside, without the need to destroy the layout-the civilization that has been inherited. However, loss of self-identity of the character from an occupation for three and a half centuries by western nations, creating distrust of the nation to re-ecognize the importance of the legacy of the ancestors, one of which is self-confidence has a wealth of potential and natural resources.
If the nation’s leaders behave like the colonialists, the nation’s growing loss of identity. The people worse off to the deepest abyss. The people back into the butt of the interests of the colonizers in other forms. Sooner or later people will be buried. The people no longer have a heritage of immense natural richness, cultural and spiritual noble values that have been the pride of the nation.
Great Nusantara, the Republic of Indonesia will only be a tale of children and grandchildren someday as a country that ever existed on planet earth as the middle of nowhere, with no clear origin.
The greatness of the nation’s history will be lost is replaced with an entirely new ideology was known as the philosophical heritage of the nation.
If the public consciousness as described above to grow back, be born Nusantara new phase, namely the Republic of Indonesia with much soul ever since hundreds of years ago, as a nation that has a diverse country with wealth.
Consciousness has a sense of the nation, will again give confidence to the entire community to catch up, which has indeed created by the invaders, or a handful of ourcommunity-minded colonists.
Technological developments and the strong currents of foreign cultures are crammed into the culture and our civilization, it will be a wealth of civilization, not a fearsome threat.