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Traffic, System Or Mind, That Should Be Recycle?

Diperbarui: 7 September 2015   19:27

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Traffic is the load on a communications device or system. One of the principal jobs of a system administrator is to monitor traffic levels and take appropriate actions when traffic becomes heavy. Jakarta , a metropolitan city which high mobility of the population is often known as congested city because traffic jam always happens in every corner of the city. Especially, in urban communities that cause transportation system being a vital infrastructure. The amount of available transportation doesn’t meet with the society’s demand. The other problem is the amount of the passenger that surpasses the quota from the existing public vehicle, and the air and noise pollution make another noise to the city. But the road and the amount of the vehicle which provided have not been sufficient to fulfill the city resident.              

The issues of land transportation in jakarta need a special attention from the government. Therefore the government plans to build the MRT( mass rapid transport) which assessed can minimize the traffic issue in jakarta. The mrt project which is planned to be completed in 2020 which the process is making the traffic getting worse. The way that could be used is getting smaller and making the traffic getting worse. In between 2015 and 2020 the amount of the vehicle will getting bigger and make the jakarta’s traffic getting worse. From 2013 until 2014 the jakarta’s traffic each year is getting worse, how about now ?                 

Does the existance of the MRT can help the government to solve the traffic problem in jakarta like in singapura ? the KRL or ka commuter now have 2 lanes and will be adding more 2 lanes in order to fulfill the market demand, but it’s still predicted to be not enough to fulfill the market demand, especially in productive times the number of passengers is increased three times in the station. If the KRL still not enough to fulfill the market demand what about the jakarta’s road traffic ? it’s can getting worse than the KRL situation.                     

How about the situation in the MRT or KRL or other land transportation, either the service, the vehicle , the price, the people in it, the crime in the vehicle ? what is the real problem that cause the traffic getting worse ? Is it about the amount of transportation we have not enough? or we don’t have enough land? or we have too many cars ? what should we do ? does the MRT help us ? or that’s just make the traffic getting worse ?    


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