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My English Article: What Makes a Writing More Interesting?

Diperbarui: 18 Desember 2022   11:09

Kompasiana adalah platform blog. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas.

Sometimes, a blogger or writer might find his or her article seemed dull, uninteresting, so silent, no response, ever no readers at all. How can it be?

It's merely just about old-fashioned topics or style! You still can write classic topics that's always in and timeless, people will always search in the internet.

In my humble opinions, it depends on:

1.  How we select a topic then try to make the most if it, write all about your choice in your own personalized style. Not comparing ourselves to others. People will always find what we write, no matter how old or new.

2. How you have tried to pick/choose the best of your written words. Not only the ones that triggers attention, but really deep and meaningful. A good piece of writing embodied the writer's sincerity and unique thoughts. Make yours unforgettable.

3. How you have tried to promote your contents via social media. If you write it originally, then you should have no doubt or feel shy to declare your works to the world. Say no to piracy, plagiation, imitation-modification or copycats.

I hope you find this simple article meaningful.

Jakarta, Dec. 18th, 2022.


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