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My English Article: A Language is Not Always Easily Translated into One Another

Diperbarui: 17 Desember 2022   09:53

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Illustration via Pixabay

A language is not as easy as it looks to understand. Many people nowadays merely rely on AI translator, applications or just copy and paste it in Google Translate in order to know what does a words say in other language. Or just capture/select then 'give it a go'.

It looks easy and fast, and also quite practical and helpful. But wait a minute!

If we care enough to relate and review, there are still so many flaws and not related translation into the other language. Sometimes it let out almost funny words (we often laugh at) or sometimes unrelated sentences.

Also the same as grammar applications in Google Play, so many times we found lots of not-so-correct things.

Let me just give a little humble advice, check and recheck every words and sentences of the word translated or suggested by the application or translator. If needed, use a printed (paperback or hard cover book) dictionary, or crosscheck with another applications.

I hope you find this little article helpful.

Jakarta, Dec. 17th, 2022.


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