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Ragil Priyanta

Civil Servent The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning

Everything Starts Within Me

Diperbarui: 9 Januari 2024   11:54

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Roman. Sumber ilustrasi:

I enter the state in my mind first. I believe in myself first. The reality reflects what I imagine, hold as truth, and feel deeply within myself. This is why I choose to imagine myself living peacefully doing what I love. I know so much good is always coming my way. I am resilient. I am strong. I am filled with so much wisdom to share, create, and express. Everything I do represents the highest expression of what is possible. I know great things are aligning for me. I have a strong positive feeling about it. I feel a great energy that’s pushing me to create the reality I want. I just know that I will live out my dreams

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