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Muhammad Rafi Syahbani

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Bully Effect to People's Mental Health

Diperbarui: 7 Desember 2023   18:38

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What comes to mind when you hear the word bullying? I want to discuss an issue that is very serious and requires joint attention, namely bullying. 

what is bullying?

Bullying is an aggressive act that can damage not only physical, but also a person's mental health. Bullying is an act that is intentional or unintentional but clearly causes discomfort, humiliation, loss, crime and suffering for the victim which can lead to an unpleasant work environment where the victim I don't want that treatment at all.

bullying effect

When someone is a victim of bullying, the impact on their mental health is huge. Trauma, fear and loss of self-confidence are some of the things that often accompany victims every day. It is an obligation for us to understand that bullying is not something that only has a short impact, but can form deep wounds in a person's mind and soul.

interview the effect of bullying on mental health

There are some people who say that bullying is very disturbing mentally and spiritually, with their thoughts being disturbed and they always think that they are always bothering other people and that bullying must be eradicated and people who bully think that they are better than other people and it will have a bad impact. , someone who is bullied will experience trauma and fear or lack of confidence in dealing with other people in everyday life

Then, let's look at a different point of view saying that being bullied will strengthen our mentality.

In fact, the opinion that bullying can be something "fun" or "interesting" must be changed immediately. We must unite as a caring society to eradicate this act. This is not just an individual issue, but also our collective responsibility to create a safe and supportive environment for all.

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