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Putri Nirmala

Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris di Universitas Negeri Makassar angkatan 2021

Back to God

Diperbarui: 3 November 2022   23:10

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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

The mortal world we live in
Inhabited by God's creatures
Human are gifted with common sense
But not all have character

When the dawn call to prayer is heard
Multitudes of believers
Raises hands to God
Accompanied by tears of sinners

Praise is always spoken by word of mouth
Never stop saying dhikr
Don't forget to give warm greetings to the prophet
Happy to feel people repent

In the evening I prostrate
Uncontrollable crying
My outpouring tips demand my repentance
I hope the charity is accepted

I float to the moon
With sparking eyes
Thanks for God's gift
What I have is a deposit from Him

Evening followed the step
In my heart is saved
Hope got eternal happiness
In my last third of the night

Come on my brother, reach for guidance!
Let's reach the love of God
Hasten prayers and hopes
God hears the sights.

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