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Why do I Always Feel Tired When Driving?

Diperbarui: 20 April 2023   00:20

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Posisi berkendara sesuai dengan triangle position' | Sumber foto: IDN Times

This time i will give tips and tricks so that driving is not tired. Driving is everyones need to be able to shorts the 

time but when we drive far away we definitely feel tired...Why? first, then how do overcome it?

  • Lack of rest, we can take shorts breaks when driving long distances

  • Lack of preparation, we have to prepare all yhe need that must be avalaible, for example medice tools and foods

  • Less warm-up, as much possible before a long journey our body condition must be fit and dilligent exercising

so that's how to find out we oftten feel tired when driving and how to overcome it so we don't feel tired! and be carefull

while, take care of your health, see you soon :)


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