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Goin Crazy with Writing

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   10:46

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Pemerintahan. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Freepik

I'm crazy on you. I'm crazy on writing, writing everything that happen today, share anything i know about this world, about my live. yes.. writing is my new hobby. I don't know why but i really enjoy it although i don't know how good my post are, at least i do writing for a good reason. Someday i believe when i try a little bit harder i can reach my dream being a famous writer or columnist and publish books.I have someone that's makin me crazy on my new hobby.. he is my boy friend

I have really ashamed when he asked me "berapa banyak kamu baca buku bulan ini?" live like turned blue.. I just answer " gak ada, aku gak pernah baca buku.. hahha" and then he said " kamu tau gak kalo orang itu diliat dari berapa banyak buku yang dia baca setiap hari, minggu atau bulan" yayaya i understand but that's not me. i don't like to read, i prefer to write than read so many books.

some theories said that write can make our memory still on even when we 60-80 years old. i think that's the power of writing and i love it!!!.. i wanna dedicate my self beside being a professional veterinarian i wanna be a good writer. in my whole life i want to publish at least 10 books.

For all i don't know why i prefer to write in English beside bahasa Indonesia, I love indonesia much but i wanna to improve my English from basic to expert, from elementary to high, from passive being active. I wanna make my self better in english.

After all. Writing is my new world . some people said that the good writer is the one who put him/herself into it.


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