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Muhammad Eko Purwanto

Mahasiswa S3 UNINUS Bandung

Complete Digital-Base Learning in Indonesia

Diperbarui: 27 Desember 2023   13:16

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Image Source: School Public Relations Document (Students of Islamic High School Al Azhar 4 Kemang Pratama)

By. Muhammad Eko Purwanto

Islamic education in Indonesia has become a focus of attention for many people, both the general public and the government. One of Indonesia's well-known Islamic educational institutions is the Al Azhar Islamic Schools. However, in meeting the needs of Islamic education in the digital era, the Al Muhajirien Jakapermai Waqaf Foundation, as the working partner of the Al Azhar Islamic Boarding School Foundation, has taken innovative steps, namely by making the Al Azhar Islamic Schools in the Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, and Grand Wisata regions the most comprehensive digital Al Azhar Islamic Schools in Indonesia.

The Al Muhajirien Jakapermai Waqaf Foundation aims to produce generations that understand Islamic values while utilizing the progress of information technology. By harnessing the potential of technology, the Al Azhar Digital Islamic Schools have successfully provided their students with comprehensive and advanced Islamic education.

One main factor that makes the Al Azhar 'Digital' Islamic Schools the most comprehensive in Indonesia is their excellent curriculum. The Al Azhar 'Digital' curriculum is designed based on national education guidelines, emphasizing Islamic religious lessons and general education subjects. However, its main advantage lies in using technology in the learning process, combining virtual and interactive learning methods that provide an exciting and practical learning experience.

Image Source: School Public Relations Document (Students of Islamic High School Al Azhar 4 Kemang Pratama)

In addition, the 10 Al Azhar 'Digital' Islamic Schools, located in the Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, and Grand Wisata regions, also offer state-of-the-art educational facilities to support student learning. Through digital technology, students can access an online learning platform rich in learning materials, interactive content, and simulations. In this platform, students can engage in independent learning, participate in discussions with classmates, and complete assignments and exams. This allows students to acquire knowledge more dynamically and provides the freedom to learn at their own pace and according to their preferences.

Also, the Al Azhar 'Digital' Islamic Schools in the Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, and Grand Wisata regions have competent and trained teachers. Each teacher in these schools has undergone a unique selection and training process to develop teaching skills with digital technology. These teachers have deep knowledge of Islam and can utilize the latest learning technologies. As a result, students can receive quality education using the latest methods.

Regarding Islamic values education, the Al Azhar 'Digital' Islamic Schools in the Jakapermai, Kemang Pratama, and Grand Wisata regions also pay special attention to character development. Through an integrated character education program in the curriculum, these schools strive to shape students who have noble ethics and a love for religion and their fellow beings. Through various activities facilitated by teachers and school staff, students are given opportunities to develop their personalities by participating in social, charity, and community service activities.

It is worth noting that the Al Muhajirien Jakapermai Waqaf Foundation is making efforts to ensure that these quality Al Azhar Digital Islamic Schools are accessible to all segments of society through the respective schools' websites. The Al Azhar Islamic Schools currently managed by the Al Muhajirien Jakapermai Waqaf Foundation include: KB-TKIA 8 Jakapermai; KB-TKIA 11 Kemang Pratama; SDIA 6 Jakapermai; SDIA 9 Kemang Pratama; SMPIA 6 Jakapermai; SMPIA 8 Kemang Pratama; SMPIA 9 Kemang Pratama; SMPIA 44 Grand Wisata; SMAIA 4 Kemang Pratama; and SMAIA 18 Grand Wisata. In their management process, these Al Azhar Islamic Schools provide many conveniences to obtain scholarship programs, education financing assistance, student catering facilities, etc.

Along with the achievements obtained, the Al Azhar 'Digital' Islamic Schools managed by the Al Muhajirien Jakapermai Waqaf Foundation have received recognition from various private and government institutions, especially prestigious public universities in Indonesia. Students' academic achievements in competitions, nationally and internationally, have proven the quality of education these schools provide.

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