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#3 Movie Review "The Sinking of Van Der Wijck"

Diperbarui: 24 Juli 2019   18:37

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Film. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Martin Lopez

It was early 2014, my friend showed me the movie. I knew that movie yet I didn't really pay attention. Then we watched it, guess what?. We dropped our tear along the movie was displayed. Back several years, I had written the synopsis righrt?, scroll down my blog and check it out. I wrote "movie review: the sinking of van der wijck" yet it was not the review. LOL, haha. It was the synopsis. Well, here is the real riview based on my point of view as the viewer.

The sinking of van der wijck is the phenomenon novel was written by Buya Hamka. He was the legend of Islamic romance novel in Balai Pustaka Era. His master piece was not only this novel yet an enormous had been published in several languages. His style and satire was considerably unique and depicted Malay culture very well.

Well, let start with the first scene in the movie.

There is a woman speaks Buginese namely Mak Basse, nanny of Zainuddin. Zainuddin was the son of Daeng Habibah, it was not mentioned whether Daeng Habibah was the noble woman or not in the movie. Yet, the scene wanted to show us that Dg Habibah was. It proofed by Mak Basse as nanny. Formerly, Buginese who has nanny is one who has high level in society, the nanny called Atta' or slave. Yet, zainuddin didn't behave as is Mak Basse as his atta. Dg habibah was buginese and her husband was Padangnese. Mak Basse become nanny of Zainuddin since Dg Habibah passed away or maybe since Zainuddin was born. Dg Habibah prepared money for Zainuddin to continue his school in Islamic religion and Holland school.

Considering zainuddin's father from Padang, it makes little gap between two cultures. Whereas padang is matriliarkal and Bugis is Patriarkal. So Dg Habibah doesn't have a lot of prosperity as the heir is for son. Then in padang it is matriarkal so Pendekar Sutan, zainuddin Father doesn't have a lot of prosperity cause the heir is daughter. Yet, pendekar Sutan and Dg habibah had prepared all zainuddin need in order to continue his life. It is said that zainuddin spent his time not only in the city of Makassar but also in Bulukumba, one of regencies in South Sulawesi. In the first scene it was perfect cinematography. As stated in the novel, the sea was quite and windy. the figure of Mak Basse was chosen correctly by director and it was perfectly true that the Mak  Basse spoke Buginese without missing any dialect at all. Yet, herjunot Ali as Zainuddin not really as buginese dialect, he spoke little bit weird. Nevertheless, the dialect coach was doing well. It seems from Herjunot's dialect in the sad scene "pergiko semua" to me it was weird but cracked the point that the viewer can feel his disappointment to Hayati. Ali really tried his best.

Then zainuddin went to Padang, he arrived at the small village called batipuh. He said to mak basse that he wanted to see his father land. Thought, mak basse felt anxiety because this was the first time Zainuddin butta ujung pandang (ujung pandang land). She afraid of batipuh refusal if zainuddin arrived. Hence, although zainuddin father was pandekar sutan, moment was never the same as it was. Zainuddin arrived at Gadang House. The house of his family, first Mak unwelcome. Nevertheless, zainuddin gave her several guleden (nominal of rupiah that accepted at that era). Ninik seems not agreed with his mak attitude.

The scene above showed us that, although you live in your own family house, it is permissible to pay several cents to that family. So, kind of commercialization in owr own family.

Tomorrow morning, zainuddin took walk with his ninik at the field. When they walked along the field, unexpectedly a dokar (traditional transportation to carry several persons that carried by horse) passed by zainuddin and his ninik. Zainuddin see the woman and a boy inside the dokar. The woman took a glance at zainuddin and their eyes meet each other for a while. Zainuddin asked his ninik. "who was that?" "it was hayati, the blossom flower of batipuh, she and her brother orphan. They studied in Padang panjang and sometimes come here". Zainuddin said "she is beautiful'. Of course she is.

In this scene it is clearly appeared that Zainuddin enjoy his seeing and hayati see zainuddin without any comment. It is slow motion scene in the film that the viewer can feel the situation that this is the first scene of Zainuddin and Hayati's romance. I guess every viewer enjoy this scene very much.

The next scene is in front of mosque. Zainuddin intention was to pursue Islamic science and general science. Then he get used to attend Islamic preaching and literature. It is in the night, light rain. Hayati and her friend were trapped by rain. Zainuddin has umbrella, he was standing in line with his fellow. He was hayati's bare hand. He offered his umbrella to be borrowed by hayati. Hayati's friend notice Zainuddin deed and inform to hayati, yet hayati stay cool. She avoid not to be so direct. Then small talked were happening among zainuddin, hayati, hayati's friend, and penjula lapau. Hayati's got the umbrella and got permit from zainuddin. Their eyes meet each other for the second time and guess what? it is the good scene of their meeting.

The scene is the continuos scene of hayati's and zainuddin romance. This scene end up with zainuddin lend to hayati his umbrella.

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