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Ari Pirani

Mahasiswa UIN Semarang

Contoh Speech tentang Inspirational Person

Diperbarui: 17 Oktober 2022   13:07

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Halo teman-teman kompasiana...

di kesempatan kali ini saya ingin berbagi speech tentang inspiratisional person yang di dalamnya terdapat cerita tentang insecure, berikut isi speech-nya.

Hello everyone...

How was the weather?

I had a friend who is really smart and good at everything. He's looked like almost be perfect person. He is able to speak up fluently, write creatively, and has good academic scores, and so on. I always looked at him that way. I always compared myself with him. When I did it I feel nothing. I was like no one, I felt like didn't have any capabilities because I still unconfident and nervous to speak up and far from fluency. Besides, my academic scores are also not good enough.

Then, one day I realized it. I was wrong to think about the way I did. So, I decided to not look at my back and I wanted to be the better version of me. One thing that made me change.

It was a video from Gita Savitri, Indonesian influencer who studies in German. She likes making videos on Youtube and most of her videos are giving opinion about some hot issues. I got a motivation from one of her videos. On the video she told about her campus life, her campus journey especially when she did her research.  At the time she thought that she had to be hard on her studies. She forced herself to get the best one because she was a minority student among her Germany friends. But, she realized that she can do it slowly not catching the social standard she can achieve her goal in her own way.

So, that story reminds me that I am also able to achieve my goals through my way. There is time for me to feel my success even though it's not as fast my friend does. I should not be worried or feeling insecure when look at someone who has better or superior ability than me.

Well, that's all. I do apologize for my mistakes. Thank you for your nice attention and have a nice day.


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