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Drone and Quadcopter Technology

Diperbarui: 5 Januari 2016   20:58

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In the future a problem may exist where our airspace becomes a sea of hovering robots called drones owned by individuals for recreational or delivery, bringing danger to oncoming planes. As this technology becomes more popular among common folk governments have started to apply regulations and restricted areas to airspace. Generally their harmless especially in free space areas like parks and can be great sources of entertainment, learning and introducing new tech. As for delivery, amazon has pushed for a better way to buy. You can order online and have it sent to your house by a drone free of road traffic.

Searching drones on the internet will lead to images of small military aircrafts which are also nicknamed drones, more specifically called unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs for short. Like almost every technology it was invented for military purposes before getting into the hands of consumers. Most commercial drones use rotors to hover and fly a decent distance up. A drone can have numerous thrust fans as long as it’s even and doesn’t tip over. To help with stability a gyroscope and an accelerometer is used. Gyroscopes unique property allows the craft to determine its orientation. Gyroscopes are used in all types of modern aviation today.

A flying robot piece is called a drone but there is more terminology behind that. A common type of drone with 4 rotors on each side is called a quadcopter. Various designs and brands are sold while some hobbyists prefer to make their own. Next time you see a vast aerial view in a movie you no longer need to wonder how it was shot. The quadcopter with a camera attached is more viable in most scenarios and economical compared to a helicopter. Videotaping unreachable places like the mountain range when climbing, or have the drone film you down the mountain as you snowboard. Drones in sports matches to give better coverage and also drones to film wildlife in situations where it’s dangerous to approach, say a lioness with her cubs.

It isn’t surprising to hear that at this rate drones progression has reached that of autonomous flight where it can fly without being controlled. Software installed controls the drone to move to designated spots or way points. Pretty cool, but where does development come to a halt and what laws and regulations are there against these flying blades of danger? Drone usage for commercial use is currently illegal and is likely to stay this way in the near future so the Amazon Delivery is off. For entertainment purposes it is legal but you must register your drone for safety reasons. You’ll also have to master controlling before bringing it to populated areas. Hitting a person with your drone can result in hefty fines and so is flying drones on airplane routes.


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