Sunday 3 December 2023 14.53 PM, Mount Marapi in Sumatera Barat which previously had alert status, suddenly erupted. This volcano eruption started with columns of ash containing volcanic material vomited up to 3.000 meters from the top of the crater accompanied by a roaring sound. As a result of the eruption, ash rain was reported to have occurred in the Nagari Lasi Area, Canduang district, Agam Regency with high intensity, making the atmosphere very thick and dark. Mount Marapi is the most active volcano in Sumatra. The height of this volcano is 2.891 mdpl (9.465,2 feet). This volcano is located between Tanah Datar Regency, Agam Regency, and the municipality of Padang Panjang. This volcano has already erupted several times and the first eruption happened in 18 century. The characteristics of this volcano eruption in the form of explosive or effusive eruptions with an average rest period of around 4 years. This eruption does not always occur in the same crater but moves in a straight line in an east-to-southwest direction between Tuo crater and the Bongsu crater. Mount Merapi last erupted in 2017, until it erupted again in 3 December 2023.
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