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Nurseta Bramadi


Success and Simple Life

Diperbarui: 29 November 2024   07:46

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Lyfe. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/8photo

It seems that everyone has their own concept of success. Usually, success is measure by having much money, big house, fancy car, and prestigious job. However, some other people have more "simple level" of success. These people know that "big success" requires hard job and most of the time also... higher education.  

As we know, not all young people come from rich family who can provide their kids with good education to compete in society. Does it mean they won't have success in the future? Or maybe there're actually many kinds of success? 

As a moderate type person, I myself prefer to have a moderate level of success. Big success is certainly good, but I know the consequence I should take to reach that one. I'm not interested in becoming "important people", big boss, or whatever who is always busy doing this and that. I prefer doing job which is still related with my hobby. I know,  this kind of hobby might sound "less professional" or amateur. I don't care. I just want to have a simple life and a simple job.  

Of course, I respect people with "ordinary job" in offices. I just remind myself that people are different. So, they must have different target too in life. One thing for sure that every job has consequences. No job is perfect. Being a president, top manager, or highly-paid actor for instance, need hard work and have big responsibility. I heard "busy people" tend to have difficult time to sleep and only have few time for hobby. I don't like that.  

Lastly, I'm just happy as I am. I'm not rich or famous. It's okay for me. I don't need those very eagerly. I just want to have a simple and peaceful life with enough money. Am I lazy or less productive? Absolutely not. Is being busy with no time for family is better? I don't think so. OK, just a simple blog. Peace. 

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