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I Gusti Ngurah Rai "The Unforgettable Hero"

Diperbarui: 5 April 2018   15:52

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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

Indonesia is struggling against Dutch colonialism about three a half century. So much bloodshed happened during this gloomy time. Not just from the Indonesian Warriors, but the civilian also became a victim of this war. Persecution, murder, and oppression happened everywhere. That is the triggers of Indonesia's Spirit to fight for freedom. Fight for their civil right. From so many heroes that fight for the freedom, there is one hero which I admire, I Gusti Ngurah Rai. I Gusti Ngurah Rai is the hero from Bali Island who fight for the freedom of Sunda Kecil, a cluster of some areas around Bali Island. He fights without fear against colonialist until his death. And the hero who got an honor of his merit.

            I Gusti Ngurah Rai was a hero who fight for freedom with sacrificed his life just for the freedom. I Gusti Ngurah Rai began his military since adolescence. Because of the knowledge of military that he got since adolescence and his intelligent he ever became an intel for ally. After Indonesia's Government already free, I Gusti Ngurah Rai formed a troop named Ciung Wanara, the troop that formed to take the freedom in Bali from the Colonialist. As the commander of the troop he thinks that they could do consolidation to Yogyakarta, as the center of Indonesian Army. Then, after came back to Bali, Bali already invaded by the colonialist. Inevitable, a war happened between Ciung Wanaraagainst colonialist. Firstly, Ciung Wanarasuccessfully to beat back the colonialist. But, it made the colonialist revenge with bigger amount of troop than the first. Then, because of it, Ciung Wanarabeaten back by the colonialist until all Ciung Wanarawarriors' death including I Gusti Ngurah Rai.

            After his death, I Gusti Ngurah Rai got an honor because of his struggle. The honor is Bintang Mahaputra. Bintang Mahaputrais the highest civilian award star, but was issued and awarded after the Republic of Indonesia Star to members of the military corps. Not just Bintang Mahaputra,I Gusti Ngurah Rai also got a promotion to be Brigjen TNI (Anumerta). After his death in age 29 years old, I Gusti Ngurah Rai got national hero title based on Presidential Decree of RI No. 63/TK/1975 on August 9th 1975.

            From all that he has gone through, that is why I am very admiring to I Gusti Ngurah Rai. I cannot imagine how I can live in peace in Bali if I Gusti Ngurah Rai would not struggle to fight for the freedom. Maybe if it happened I would live under colonialism now. And from all of that too I can more respect to my country and fight for Indonesia's future to be better. Thank you, my hero, your name always in my heart.


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