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Sampang Tragedy:Two Dead and Scores Hurt

Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   01:15

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Seorang warga melemparkan batu ke arah bangunan yang dibakar massa, di Desa Blu'uran, Karangpinang, Sampang, Madura, Jatim, aksi tersebut terjadi di tiga lokasi di dua desa, sejumlah bangunan rumah, musholla dan madrasah di bakar massa karena menurut warga setempat pengasuhnya diduga menganut aliran sesat. Tidak ada koban jiwa dalam peristiwa itu karena para masing-masing penghuni sempat menyelamatkan diri malam sebelumnya.(29/12).FOTO : ANTARA/ Bahri.

Picture from A man throw a stone to torched home of shia. Two man dead and scores hurt after a mob attack on shia community in sampang. Two of them being attacked by the  sickles in the spot while another in next days. Dozen of homes have been torched in this attack. It was reported that around 500 villagers armed most of them with mathces attack group of shia student in Sampang Madura that located at east Java. Because of homes being torched by this mob attack  made this shia community homeless until the official in charge handle this violence take the necessary action. The President Bambang Yudhoyono condemned such attack  and firmly call for swift action againt assailant fo prevent such violence in the future. Suryadharma Ali , Minister of Religion, on Monday 27/8/2012  visited the location acompanied by the Indonesian Police Chief Timur Pradopo to secure the location and relieve the victims and promised to rebuild the home and other help. Narrated by Nurkholis Ghufron


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