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Another Useful Function of Social Media: Place for Anti-Body Shaming Campaign

Diperbarui: 3 Juni 2023   10:40

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Body shaming is included in the act of bullying because the action is carried out by commenting on the condition of a person's body, which comments tend to degrade because it is usually done by commenting on the shortcomings of the person's body. Body shaming is basically done verbally, but because social media also allows a person to see other people through videos, pictures, or photos, body shaming can now be done cyber through text or images and videos (Fauzia & Rahmiaji, 2019). Body shaming, that occurs cyber or not, often occurs in victims who are teenagers or early adults. This is because most social users are teenagers and young adults to mid-adults (age range 19-34 years) (APJII, 2018). However, younger children possibly become victims of this dishonorable act. For this reason, a campaign is needed to reduce body shaming by utilizing social media, as social media is also a place for body shaming. Like, eradicating the virus in the core of the virus.

Campaigns carried out with the aim of preventing body shaming that occurs on social media must also be carried out on social media. Apart from making it more accessible to both perpetrators and victims (where body shaming often occurs on social media), this was done because of the objectives of the campaigns carried out on social media: Attitude, Awareness, and Action. This campaign is included in a social campaign because this activity is carried out as a tangible form of a person's or group's desire to encourage others in a communicative style or through communication carried out to create improvements or changes in attitudes in society (Gunawan & Kurnia, 2020).

As the aim of campaigns carried out on social media consists of Attitude, Awareness, and Action, social media can be used as a place to carry out social campaigns, especially regarding anti-cyberbullying and body shaming campaigns because campaigns carried out on social media it can create cognitive changes to create awareness and changes in attention. This is due to the communication made during the campaign. Meanwhile, awareness and action will appear as the resulting effect after the attitude is achieved. Based on the results of research conducted by Gunawan & Kurnia (2020), social campaigns carried out on Instagram social media aimed at stopping body shaming, especially on social media, can indeed provide and encourage 3A changes for social media users, which is the aim of conducting the campaign social on social media. In other words, if the campaign is successful, the 3A (attitude, awareness, and action) will change according to the objectives of the social campaign.

Campaigns can be done with several designs. Based on Putri et al. (2021), the design that was first carried out was the conditioning stage, or in other words preparing the campaign targets. Target preparation needs to be done so that the campaign to be delivered is acceptable and results in success in implementing the campaign. Next is the informing stage, namely the stage where the introduction of the problem. At this time, campaigns are carried out, and messaging is carried out. Finally, the reminding stage is repeated by inviting the target to do what was said in the campaign. In contrast to direct communication, on social media, you can 'like', 'comment' and 'subscribe' to campaign content, which can also indirectly affect the spread of existing campaign content.

The existence of a campaign means something is important. Based on existing communication theory, this is included in the class of agenda setting theory. Agenda setting is a communication theory that states that if a media emphasizes an event, the public will assume that the information communicated by the media is important. This theory was developed by McCombs and Shaw (1972). In this case, the media has a powerful influence on people's assumptions. The assumption will appear that what is considered important by the media will be considered necessary by the community (Koesomowidjojo, 2020).

Based on agenda-setting theory, campaigns related to anti-body shaming on social media are not coercive communications because individuals are free to accept or reject. It is likened that the campaign only provides information on the importance of preventing body shaming, encourages people not to practice it, and explains the dangers of body shaming, especially its impact on victims. However, the communication made in the campaign could have been more coercive. So, audiences who see can choose whether to follow or not.

To sum up the discussion above, social media is essential to prevent body shaming which often occurs on social media. For this reason, the campaign was carried out to convey communication regarding the importance of stopping body shaming. Moreover, if the campaign communication is carried out by influential people, then this is important for the audience. This communication requires stages in its planning, which are carried out to convey the message. Nevertheless, the audience is not forced because this communication is not coercive.


APJII. (2018). Data Statistik Pengguna Internet Indonesia 2018.

Fauzia, T. F., & Rahmiaji, L. R. (2019). Memahami Pengalaman Body Shaming pada Remaja Perempuan. Interaksi Online, 7(3), 238--248.

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