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Nur Seta Bramadi

Book writer and former English teacher in LPIA Jakarta and Bekasi (2008-2018)

(Short Conversation) Some Rich and Poor Writers

Diperbarui: 17 Agustus 2024   14:16

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Sumber gambar:

A: I heard writing in foreign countries can make us rich. Is that true?

B: I think it depends on the writers themselves. Can they manage their money? Are their works marketable? Etc.

A: You mean we can be a rich writer wherever we live?

B: Yes. In Indonesia, it might be difficult... but not impossible. Once again, it depends on the writer.

A: You've been a writer since 1992. Do you think you're already success?

B: Yeah... at least not bad. There're many worse writers around the world. I'm just happy what I am. Never compare to others.

A: Don't you want to be a public figure? Is being a celebrity not interesting to you?

B: I just want to express my feelings and opinion through writing. I don't care about being famous or not. 

A: How do you make money for a living? It's clear that you're not a very productive writer. No offense. 

B: I have a small business. I might be not a productive writer. I just hope I'm not a bad-attitude one... haha.


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