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Nur Seta Bramadi

Book writer and former English teacher in LPIA Jakarta and Bekasi (2008-2018)

(Short Conversation) Indonesian Traditional Games

Diperbarui: 13 Agustus 2024   17:14

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Sumber gambar:

A: Did you use to play traditional games when you were a kid?

B: Yes, I did. I liked playing kite (layangan), marbles (kelereng), and yoyo back then. You?

A: I liked playing hide and seek (petak umpet), mancala (congklak), and fortress (bentengan). 

B: Some other games are also fun... gunnysack race (balap karung), stilt (egrang), and jumping rope (lompat tali). 

A: True. In fact, it's still played now by kids in many regions in Indonesia. 

B: Yeah... climbing pinang trunk (panjat pinang) is also a favorite one. 

A: It's nice to see those games are not forgotten, huh?

B: Yes. At least today's kids can stay away from gadgets for a while.

A: Agree. Anyway, is there any traditional games competition in your neighborhood? 

B: Yes... it's usually to celebrate Indonesian Independence Day. It's fun to see it.


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