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Nur Seta Bramadi

Book writer and former English teacher in LPIA Jakarta and Bekasi (2008-2018)

Movie Review: I Am Legend (2007) an Action Thriller Movie

Diperbarui: 12 Juli 2024   11:27

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Sumber gambar: Warner Bros. Pictures / Village Roadshow Pictures

This could be the most "amateur" written movie review ever wrote... haha. For me as the reviewer, it's OK for I am not from English-speaking country. I mean, writing in English simply for practicing my writing skill in English. I don't have anything to show off here. My English is far from perfect or just so-so. I know that readers might find better movie review written in English somewhere else, especially from internet. In other words, don't laugh if you find mistakes in here (or other my blogs), OK? Let's go, then...

This movie was based on the 1954 novel of the same name by Richard Matheson, an American writer and screenwriter primarily in fantasy, horror, and science fiction genres. The movie is set in New York City after a virus (which was originally created to cure cancer) has wiped out most of mankind, leaving Neville (a US army virologist, played by Will Smith) as the last human in New York other than nocturnal mutants. Neville is immune to the virus and works to develop a cure while defending himself (and his dog-friend) against the hostile mutants. 

Neville lives an isolated life in deserted Manhattan (with his dog) and unsure if any other immune human are left. Neville's daily routine includes experimenting on infected rats to find a cure for the virus, searching for food and supplies, and waiting each day for any survivors who might respond to his continuous recorded radio broadcast, which instruct them to meet him at midday in certain location. The hostile mutants were once human who not killed by the virus. Instead, they became vampiric, albino, and cannibalistic mutants (called Darkseekers), who are vulnerable to sunlight and roam at night in the dark. 

This movie is very good, especially in portraying the empty New York City with no one left. A source said that the producers spent at least USD 5 million to shoot a scene in Brooklyn Bridge (a hybrid cable-suspension bridge in New York City) alone... wow. The action scenes were also OK. Neville armed himself with a machine gun whenever he went out for supply. In total, this movie's budget was USD 150 million and the box office was USD 585,4 million (worldwide). Running time 101 minutes and directed by Francis Lawrence. How is the ending of the movie? Isn't there any immune human left beside Neville? Did he finally find a cure for the virus? Well... you should watch this movie by yourself. I don't want to be a movie spoiler... haha.

Although I'm not a big fan of Will Smith, I found this movie interesting. Any movie about one single man fighting an uncertain condition attracts my intention. It's just like representing myself --as an introvert person-- facing this cruel world alone... haha. I like being alone, but it doesn't mean I'm individualistic or antisocial, OK? So... relax, don't be too serious. Don't worry, I have some human friends too... and none of them are infected mutants. Haha... have a nice day, guys. Oh yeah... rumors said there will be sequel for this movie. I don't know whether it will be better or worse than this one. Will Smith must be much older, right? Let's wait and see...


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