A: Who is actually the winner in the political competition, bro?
Siapakah sesungguhnya pemenang dalam kompetisi politik, bro?
B: People. It might sound naive or plain, but that's my opinion.
Rakyat. Mungkin kedengarannya naif atau polos, tapi itulah pendapatku.
A: From all present political candidates, which one do you think represent the most of people's hopes?
Dari semua kandidat politik yang ada, manakah menurutmu yang paling mewakili harapan rakyat banyak?
B: Each one of them has good ideas. Let's hope they can really implement their ideas into living reality.
Setiap dari mereka punya ide-ide bagus. Kita harapkan saja mereka sungguh bisa mengeimplementasikan dalam kenyataan.
A: Isn't there any of their ideas sound utopian to you?
Tidak adakah ide-ide mereka yang terdengar utopis menurutmu?
B: To be honest, I don't observe political news day-by day. Let's hope it's none.