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Nur Ali Rahman


Comparison of the Indonesia Constitution with the British and United States Constitutions

Diperbarui: 11 Februari 2023   11:18

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

The constitution is generally divided into two meanings. First, in a broad sense, it covers the form of a country along with other introductory provisions outside the body, including the unwritten and the constitution in the narrow sense that only covers the fundamental law of a nation. 

Knowing the constitution of a country is an essential thing to know. The large diversity of constitutions in the world is an exciting thing to study together, especially in the cycle of making, ratifying, characterizing, applying, and enforcing the constitution. Looking at the bodies of various countries, the author is interested in discussing the differences between the UK, the US, and Indonesia constitutions. 

One of the most significant differences between Indonesia's constitutions is the nature of their constitutions. The UK has an unwritten constitution, not codified in a single document but a combination of laws, common law, and constitutional conventions. In contrast, Indonesia's constitution is a written document that outlines the structure of government, defines the rights and freedoms of citizens, and establishes the state as a secular democracy. 

Another difference is the system of government. The UK has a parliamentary system, where the king is the head of state, and the prime minister is the head of government, while in Indonesia, the president functions as the head of state and the head of government. 

Finally, the protection of individual rights is handled differently in the U.K. and Indonesia. In the U.K., individual rights are primarily protected through common law, whereas in Indonesia, those rights are enshrined in the Constitution.

Suppose we look at the United States, which has several crucial characteristics that distinguish it from other constitutions, including the Indonesian Constitution. The U.S. Constitution is a written document outlining the structure of the federal government and defining the powers of the various branches of government. One of its most distinctive features is the system of checks and balances, which allows each branch of government to limit the power of other departments and helps prevent the concentration of power in one of the branches.

Another unique aspect of the U.S. Constitution is the Bill of Rights, a set of ten amendments added to the Constitution immediately upon adoption. The Bill of Rights enshrines fundamental individual rights, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press, and is instrumental in shaping American society and culture.

Compared to the Indonesian constitution, adopted in 1945 and amended several times, the U.S. Constitution is a much older document, adopted in 1787. Indonesia's constitution lays out the government structure, defining rights and freedoms. Citizens, and establish the state as a secular democracy. One of the prominent features is the recognition of Indonesia as a country with a diverse population and the protection of the rights of ethnic and religious minorities.

Apart from these differences, there are also similarities between the constitutions of the U.K., U.S., and Indonesia, such as the protection of individual rights and a commitment to democracy. Both constitutions also seek to establish a system of government that is accountable to the people and based on the rule of law.


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