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Ninoy N Karundeng


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You Hate the USA, But You Love the USA

Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   00:02

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Politik. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Freepik

***then you ask me about the hatred against the usa
it is not the usa that creates the hatred against us
the country never stirs hatred against none of us
the usa respects all the humankind on earth
as it stipulates on its constitution and charters
all religions and nations live in a melting pot
and every one there lives and dies for the new nation
then all of them sing one wonderful song
star spangled banner says it is the land for the free
and the states is the home of the brave
and it is the mandate of the nation to promote freedom
it is the mandate and imperative to all americans to uphold
and promote freedom of speech for every one on earth
and it is then no wonder to see all americans speak out for it
it is the freedom of speech that sometimes kills the logic
it is the freedom of expressing one's self that kills the humanity
it is the freedom of showing off for the freedom that insults universe
it is the freedom that evil infiltrates the logic of some americans
and when the insult kills the belief of 1.5 billion people
and the 1,5 billion people cry but to express anger
for their belief has been the target of a us film maker
as the film maker has tarnished the holy person
as the film shows blatant disrespectfulness to others
and the usa has a little concern on this important issue
then the anger has sparked all the corners of the world
only because the usa is the strongest country
only because we all dependent to the usa
what we can do is just to ask the us authority to act
it is important that the usa shows its empathy
that the holy prophet muhammad is an idol
that the usa must respect others just like the usa loves its flag
that the usa must bring the culprit into justice
and it helps the anger to the usa to calm down
and we do not need to react to much
as we do not to retaliate to the insulting action
as we all civilized people in Indonesia
we hate america but we love america at the same time
we do business and exchange cultural activities with the usa
we keep the us dollar at home for our safety
we speak the same language they speak
none of us can escape from the need to be nice
from the need to embrace the usa
again, we hate the usa, eventually we love the usa
so it is no need to protest ourselves
talk to the us embassy and express the anger nicely
never show the us that we are like the culprit
we are civilized people just like the americans are
so respect americans and ourselves
there is no power and prowess to challenge america
as it is the mighty country on earth
that is why we still use and depend on them
internet, computer, electricity and lamps, facebook, youtube
planes, and you name it, you scare yourselves finally
that we use every single american dream in our life
we hate but we love america ..whew hahahaha

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