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Nazhifah Mahdiyah

Mahasiswa FK UNAIR 2021

How To Be A Good Listener

Diperbarui: 8 Juli 2022   22:37

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Have you ever been a storyteller?

We are humans where one of the basic human traits is to be a social being. We as humans need each other. As social beings, of course, we have interacted with other people. Whether it's for ordinary interactions such as simple greetings, small chats, to long discussions. Everything we do because that is one of the basic needs as a human being.

Almost every time we do social interaction. Whether with friends, family, or whoever it is. Because we have done it so often, communication has become something we do unconsciously. However, sometimes we forget how to communicate properly and correctly. Of course, we should not arbitrarily communicate, because what we have to remember is that our interlocutor is a human being who also has feelings. Our interlocutor must also think about how he feels.

Communication cannot go one way. But both parties must contribute in carrying out a communication process. One of the most important things we should be able to do is, of course, be a listener. The listener, as the name suggests, is someone who is the party who listens to the other person.

Eits, being a listener can't be arbitrary either. Then, how to be a good listener and right? The author is actually not an expert in this field, but the author has some tips that all readers might be able to do.

1. Understand your position
Before starting a conversation, you must be able to position yourself properly. You have to understand who you are to your interlocutor. How close are you to him? Is he someone who easily accepts suggestions, or does he not want to take it at all? By understanding things like this, we can avoid things that might hurt the feelings of the other person.

2. Imagine you are in the other person's position
To be able to understand more about how to give advice or understand the other person is to imagine that we are in their position. Think about it: what would I do if I were in their position?

3. Problem is not a competition
The thing that must be avoided is comparing our problems with the problems of the other person. "It's better if you just stay like that, I am..." words like this should be avoided when being a listener, because it can hurt the feelings of the other person you are talking to.

4. Don't underestimate people's problems
The thing we must remember is that everyone has their own abilities, including the ability to respond to stress. It could be a problem that is simple, but not necessarily simple for others. And vice versa, things that we feel heavy are sometimes normal for other people. We never know what other people have been through, so we have no right to judge the severity of the problems that other people have suffered.

There are so many suggestions and tips that the author can give to readers on how to be a good listener. Remember that in this world we are not alone and need each other. So, let's be human beings who are useful to others and help each other. Hopefully this article can be useful for all of us.


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