Book Identity
- Book title: Genres Complemented by 700 Comprehension Test Questions
- Author: Otong Setiawan Djuharie
- Publisher: Yrama Widya
- Year of Publication: November 2007
- ISBN: 9789795436256
- Page Thickness: 176 pages
- Width: 18.0 cm
- Length: 25.0 cm
Review Content
This book was compiled by Mr. Otong Setiawan Djuharie especially for secondary school students as a learning book or reading reference source on genre with the approach of assessing the needs related to different literature and the characteristics of their English language training. The book contains information about the existence of genres, a comprehensive review of new terms in discourse studies, the flow of each text type, as well as the unique grammatical features used in each text type and the properties of each text type. At the end of the book, 700 genre comprehension questions in multiple-choice format are provided as a reflective tool to measure mastery of genre application.
The presentation of this book is intended as a tool for further study of the genre and can be a reliable and applicable teaching material in the implementation of the KSTP curriculum.
Pros of the Book:
Provides a lot of theories on genres in English for middle school selected by the author using simple language, nothing more than to help students learn independently more easily. In addition, there are some sample texts and 700 reading comprehension questions to help students better understand the differences between each genre.
Disadvantages of the Book:
There is educational language that students may not have heard of, so to explain it, an Indonesian or English dictionary is needed as a self-study companion so that students can understand written words or educational language appropriately. Therefore, students need to be creative in solving new problems.
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