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Improving Fine Motoric Skills Through Grain-Media Mosaic Activities in Grade B Children in Kindergarten TK Muslimat NU 09 Malang City This Classroom Action Research aims to improve children's fine motor skills through mosaic skills using various materials in group B chlidren in Kindergarten Muslimat NU 09 Malang City. The subjects of this study were class B student at Muslimat NU 09 Kindergarten Malang, academic year 2021/2022 with a total of 12 students. Data collection techniques used observation and documentation.
Data analysis techniques used descriptive analysis techniques based on reflection analysis on cycle.. The results of this study in cycle I, children's activity showed a percentage of 50 % with an increas of 6,67%, then in cycle II it increased to 83,33% with an increase of 16,66 % so that the percentage of increasing children's skills trough making mosaics exceeded the succes indicator, namely 85 %. based on the description above, it can be concluded that there was an increase in fine motor skills with mosaic skills in group B children at TK Muslimat NU 09 Malang City
Key word: Fine Motoric,Skills, Mosaic.
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