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Allo Bank Festival: From NCT Dream to Red Velvet Success Rocked Istora Senayan!

Diperbarui: 15 Juni 2022   16:07

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Jakarta - The Allo Bank Festival on May 20--22, 2022, at Istora Senayan, Central Jakarta, succeeded in capturing the attention of all Indonesian eyes. In the framework of the grand launching of Allo Bank Indonesia, this event lasted for 3 days, and there were indoor and outdoor music performances. Tickets are only priced at Rp. 100,000 for all seats in the venue and will open on May 17, 2022 at 10.00 WIB through the website. Payment using Allo Pay, which has been upgraded to the Allo Prime stage.

"Allo means all in one. We make an all in one festival, so we are very proud that this is the first all-in-one concert in Indonesia," said Putri Tanjung, CEO of Allo Bank Indonesia.

Allo Bank Festival was named the first concert to be held in Indonesia after 2 years of the Covid-19 pandemic and the enthusiasm of people in Indonesia was really high. The reason is that not only Indonesian artists will perform, but also NCT DREAM and RED VELVET, artists from SM Entertainment, will also enliven the Allo Bank Festival 2022!

The series of events starting from the "Grand Launching" on the first day, was enlivened by NCT DREAM, Raisa, Rizky Febian, Dewi Perssik, and Kahitna. The second day, there will be a "Music Concert" by RED VELVET, Krisdayanti & Amora, Ari Lasso, BCL, and Putri Isnari. And it was closed on the third day, titled "Intimate Concert" by Feast, Mocca, Barasuara, Fourtwnty, and RAN.

One of the regulations regarding the first concert in Indonesia is that the capacity only accommodates a maximum of 70% of the venue quota for wearing masks and scanning Peduli Lindungi first.

"My feelings while watching the Allo Bank Festival were very pleasant and enjoyable, because I chose the first day where NCT DREAM performed and of course because I am a fan of NCT DREAM. So, thank you very much to Allo Bank for bringing NCT DREAM to Indonesia after conditions were limited due to Covid-19." said Fildza Shabrina, one of the audience members of the Allo Bank Festival from Jakarta.

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