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Najwa Vidya Nikallaya

Mahasiswi Fakultas Psikologi UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Social Media Disease: Fear of Missing Out in Teens

Diperbarui: 23 Desember 2023   21:07

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Pendidikan. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/McElspeth


Salwa Hafidzah 1st, Najwa Vidya Nikallaya 2nd, Tatu Tazkiyatun Nufus 3rd

Psychology Faculty of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia


The phenomenon of FOMO is familiar to us, especially among teenagers. Teenagers who are experiencing a period of development towards young adulthood that develops along with the advancement of technology make teenagers familiar with the presence of the internet. Social media that functions as a source of information and making new friends makes teenagers love social media. In addition, social media has an impact on adolescents, namely FOMO. Thus, this study aims to analyse FOMO behaviour in teenagers, factors and impacts of FOMO on teenagers, and social media as an influence on FOMO behaviour in teenagers. This research uses literature review as a research method. The result of this study is that FOMO syndrome is bad for teenagers and research shows that the intensity of social media use and FOMO are interrelated.


Quoted from CNN news, FOMO cases have occurred in Australia in The Stress and Wellbeing survey published on 8 November 2015. The survey stated that at least one in two teenagers in Australia experienced stress caused by social media disease or FOMO. With that, it can be concluded that some teenagers in Australia suffer from FOMO. The statistics say that 63 percent of teens experience the fear of missing out on information from their friends. 54 percent of teens are afraid that their friends will have more valuable experiences on social media than them. And, 60 percent of teens were found to be afraid of their friends having fun without inviting them. 

Nowadays, FOMO is not uncommon. In the news above, almost all teenagers have experienced FOMO. The presence of FOMO can have a negative effect on teenagers. Adolescence is a transition period from children to young adults where in its development adolescents are required to make changes to physical, cognitive, emotional, and psychosocial. It is certainly not easy for teenagers to live their days. On the other hand, the internet world has also developed. With the internet, we can easily get global information and broaden our horizons that can be found on social media. Smartphones that come as part of the development of the internet also encourage individuals to develop social interactions and make new friends. With that, many people feel at home to stay active on social media in order to stay in existence. Without realising it, this behaviour can lead to a sense of FOMO. FOMO is any activity done to stay connected to other people's activities (Christina 2019). 

In previous research, it has been argued that FOMO is amplified by technological advances, as social media easily accesses what is going on, making it easier to be aware of the experience. However, they also argue that adolescents can experience FOMO without being influenced by social media. With that, the researcher is interested in discussing "Social Media Disease: The Fear of Being Left Behind in Adolescents." This research aims to discuss and further examine FOMO in teenagers, the factors and causes of FOMO in teenagers, the impact of FOMO on teenagers, and social media as an influence on FOMO behaviour in teenagers. With that, it is hoped that this research can provide further understanding of FOMO in adolescents, factors and causes of FOMO in adolescents, the impact of FOMO on adolescents, and social media as an influence on FOMO behaviour in adolescents.

Literature Review

a. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

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