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Human Rights Abuses by Unscrupulous Teachers Who Abuse Students To The Point of Helpness

Diperbarui: 15 September 2023   11:41

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Human rights in Indonesia have not been implemented perfectly and thoroughly. Human rights violations in Indonesia have occurred since post-independence Indonesia such as the G30SPKI Tragedy, the 1989 Talangsari Incident, and the 1998 May Riots. But as time goes by, human rights violations are increasingly widespread. Human rights violations can occur anywhere and anytime. It does not know whether the perpetrator is a respectable person or not. Even in the scope of education. A teacher who is supposed to be a good example and role model for his students actually commits human rights violations against students.

According to John Locke, human rights are rights brought from birth that are inherent in every human being and are absolute. Human rights that are not implemented properly are called human rights violations. In accordance with Article 1 point 6 of the Human Rights Law, human rights violations are the actions of a group or person, including state officials, whether intentional or against the law. The punishment for human rights violations is divided into two, mild and severe.

Minor human rights violations are violations that harm others such as environmental pollution and the deliberate use of hazardous materials in food. This type of violation is subject to temporary imprisonment for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 20 years. Meanwhile, gross human rights violations are violations that threaten a person's life such as persecution, murder, and robbery. This type of offense is punishable by a fine and imprisonment of at least 10 years. From the case of the unscrupulous teacher, the perpetrator committed gross human rights violations, namely persecution.

Until now it is still unclear what the motive was for the perpetrator to commit this brutal act against his student. It started when the victim met his friend on the street while carrying a gasoline bottle and was about to go to the field, Arriving at the field, suddenly the unscrupulous teacher shouted and told other students to detain the child. Here the victim did not know for sure what the problem was that made the victim detained by the teacher. Without further ado, the perpetrator immediately maltreated the victim by pinning her legs together and kicking her in the eye with his knee. This brutal action resulted in the victim suffering serious injuries and bruises to her body and receiving medical treatment. And the case has been handled by law enforcement officials. The police have conducted an examination and statement.

From this case, we hope that the perpetrators can be given appropriate sanctions because they have committed acts that intentionally injure the body and can threaten someone's life. Considering that human rights violations can be committed by anyone, the efforts made so that we avoid human rights violations are to respect the rights of others, respect the opinions of others, and not commit acts that violate the dignity of others. It can be concluded that gross human rights violations in Indonesia are regulated in Article 34 of Law No. 26 of 2000, where the right to physical and mental protection from threats of interference and violence from any party is free.

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