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Make a Choice with 1 Billion

Diperbarui: 7 Oktober 2024   16:55

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Cerpen. Sumber ilustrasi: Unsplash

If i get one billion rupiah, there are three things i will do. The first,i will pay of my parents debt,because these owe me for my school fees, so when i have more money, i will to help them pay it of. The second, i will take my parents to mecca, to perform the hajj and umrah, because going there is on of my parents and my desires, therefore, while i have opportunity,i will take of it. 

The third, i will give some of the money to orphans and underprivilaged people, as gratitude for getting the money. So the conclusion is that if i get one billion rupiah, i will use it for thing useful for me and other, such us sharing it with people who need it, helped and went to mecca with my parents, and i am sure it will be usefull for my self anf other.

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