Book Identity
Title: Intensive Reading
Author: Otong Setiawan Djuharie
Publisher: Yrama Widya
Publication City: Bandung
Year of Publication: 2019
Page Count: 216 pages
ISBN: 978-623-205-002-0
Book Synopsis
The book Intensive Reading is designed to assist students in understanding the fundamentals of reading in English. It emphasizes reading techniques from the bottom up, meaning that readers are encouraged to understand each word and sentence in detail before grasping the entire text. The book presents how to comprehend words, phrases, sentences, cohesive markers, the meaning conveyed by grammatical structures, and everything related to extracting information from the text. The purpose of this book is to help readers focus on detailed text comprehension, train their analytical skills, and improve vocabulary and grammar through reading activities. Additionally, the book offers systematically structured material, starting from the basics of reading, understanding words, phrases, sentences, grammatical meaning, punctuation, and cohesion markers.