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Embassy of Uzbekistan

Instansi Pemerintahan

The Central Role of Uzbekistan on Renewing Central Asia

Diperbarui: 17 Mei 2021   13:52

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Presiden Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev 

The following are excerpts from an article contributed by the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Jakarta for publication. ---Ed.

Central Asia has undergone a radical transformation in recent years. The positive trends observed in the region have affected almost all spheres - from political and economic to cultural and humanitarian. The formation of a new political climate in Central Asia is evidenced by the increased contacts between heads of state, the growth of trade volumes, and the implementation of large joint projects.

From the first days of his presidency, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, outlining the continuity of the foreign policy course, defined Central Asia, which is associated with the vital interests of Uzbekistan, as a priority of the country's foreign policy. This approach is reflected in many strategic documents, initiatives and steps taken. The issues of cooperation with the closest neighbors traditionally occupy a special place in the annual messages of the head of state to the Oliy Majlis.

As a result of the establishment of strategic cooperation with Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, the deepening of strategic partnership with Kazakhstan, a completely new political atmosphere based on mutual trust and good neighborliness has formed in the region.

The regional course of the head of Uzbekistan is a symbol of renewal not only of the foreign policy of Tashkent, but of the whole of Central Asia. Moreover, this is an example of transformation of relationships based on the following approaches.

First, there are no unsolvable problems, there is a need for political will to resolve them. The principle of "discussing acute issues and finding reasonable compromises" made it possible to solve a number of regional problems on the basis of consistency and consideration of mutual interests. Unprecedented results have been achieved in resolving such sensitive issues as borders and the use of the region's water and energy resources.

Uzbekistan has begun to demarcate the border with Kazakhstan. In 2017, a historic document was signed - "Agreement on the area of the junction point of the state borders of three states - Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan", which made it possible to resolve an issue that was considered problematic for many years. 

A serious step in ensuring security and stability in the region was the agreements reached during the visit of Kyrgyz President S. Japarov to Uzbekistan (March this year), according to which the parties agreed to complete the legal registration of the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border in the near future.

Despite the existing problems, Uzbekistan, together with its neighbors, is making every effort to turn interstate borders into bridges of friendship, good-neighborliness, and cooperation.

So in April this year, on the Kazakh-Uzbek border near the checkpoints "Zhibek Zholy" (Kazakhstan) and "Gisht Kuprik" (Uzbekistan), a ceremony was held to launch the construction of the International Center for Trade and Economic Cooperation "Central Asia". 

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