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Ancient and Classical Greek Philosopy

Diperbarui: 23 Desember 2019   00:21

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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

around Classical Greek Philosophy Classical Greek philosophy was born not discussing cosmosentris (the universe) but studying humans (anthropocentric). According to the anthropocentric flow of humans as creatures that have a lot of potential such as thoughts, relationships, and so on, so that humans deserve to be part of philosophy in their lives, (Bertens, 1999). The flow that started the classical Greek period is sophism, the word sophos means wise or clever, which is a title for those who have wisdom in living life. The classical Greek period of the development of philosophy showed certainty, which was marked by the greater interest of people in philosophy. 

The classical era began with Socrates, but Socrates had not yet arrived at a philosophical system, which gave the philosophy a classic name. The new classical philosophical teaching system was built by Plato and Aristotle, based on Socrates' teachings on knowledge and ethics along with the philosophy of nature that developed before Socrates. 2. The Difference Between Ancient Greek Philosophy and Classical Greek Philosophy a. 

Ancient Greek Ancient Greek philosophy eventually gave rise to a civilization of Mesopotamia. This philosophy was born in Iraq. Then gradually this philosophy spread even wider in the Alexandria area. People in ancient Greece were very fond of myths and fairy tales, so that the world community considers philosophy born of Greece. But gradually the development of the world of philosophy has shifted. There is no longer believing in myths so that they maximize their pure reason to unravel the mysteries of life. Ancient Greek philosophy was born with the ideas that it carries about nature. That nature comes from water and will return to water (Mustansyir, 2009). Famous figures include Democrates, Pythagoras, and Thales. Cosmosentris became their interest to be investigated using Thales's reason and was even dubbed the father of philosophy. Whereas Pythagoras thinks differently about the cosmosentris. He considered that nature exists because of the mystery of numbers. There is power and deep meaning in every number (Mustansyir, 2009). b. Classical Greek In contrast to ancient Greek philosophy, calcic Greek philosophers preferred to use their reason to research about humans (anthropocentric). One of his famous characters is Socrates. Unfortunately, Socrates did not leave any traces of writing, so the one who documents his life history is Plato, his student. Regarding Socrates' ideas, it is good to invite young people to understand life as an ethical and moral human being. Plato himself agreed that life is nature and experience. But the idea was opposed by Aritoteles, his student, who said that the real reality was not the realm of ideas, but concrete reality. It was during this Arithotelian era that classical Greek philosophy experienced a golden period with the systematic thinking method it discovered.


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