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Information Technology and How Important It Is For Our Future?

Diperbarui: 12 November 2022   11:13

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You are familiar with the word "information technology," or what is usually abbreviated as "IT." But do you know more about IT? Essentially, IT encompasses all aspects of computer and network technology. According to experts, "information technology" (IT) is a general term for technology that helps humans create, change, store, communicate, or share information.

Bambang Warsita defines information technology as "a means and infrastructure (hardware, software, and useware) systems and methods for meaningfully obtaining, transmitting, processing, interpreting, storing, organizing, and using data." Meanwhile, according to Hamzah B. Uno and Nina Lamatenggo, information technology is a technology used to process data. Processing includes processing, obtaining, compiling, storing, and manipulating data in various ways to produce quality information, namely information that is relevant, accurate, and timely. Some examples of information technology (IT) are computers, televisions, personal phones, and handphones that you use every day, which are examples of information technology (IT).

The applications of information technology (IT) in everyday life are numerous, beginning with government, education, trade, and, of course, entertainment. Information technology (IT) is the impact of the technology-based industrial revolution. Now, let's discuss the role of technology in government in more detail. E-government is an example of innovation and invention. E-government is the use of information technology to improve relations between the government and other parties. The use of information technology then results in new forms of relationships such as G2C (government to citizen), G2B (government to business), and G2G (government to government).

There are many benefits arising from information technology (IT). Whether it's in the sector of education or the sector of government that was mentioned earlier, But does everyone have to be proficient in IT? What if there is someone who is not good at IT? Did it have a big impact on his life? And how do you increase your talent in IT?

First, does everyone have to be proficient in IT? From the perspective of the future, it can be stated that everyone is obligated and must be able to in IT. There is no need to be proficient first; simply understand the fundamentals of this IT. Why? Because scientists predict the future in almost every area, 90% of jobs will be replaced by technology. We can already see these predictions right now; we already know the existence of artificial intelligence technology. Robots are everywhere; even payments have been made using digital systems.

Since the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which was first introduced in Hannover, Germany, in 2011, people have been introduced to modern technological advances. This is what makes people have to improve their personal abilities, especially in the sector of technology. So therefore, it's very important and could be a provision for the future that is predicted to be replaced by technology. But what if there is someone who is not good at IT? Even if someone is "bad" at IT, you can still learn from them. Technology like the internet, handphones, and computers were available everywhere. Technology can be learned from the ground up. Of course, you are ready to face the advancement of modern technology in the future.

And how do you increase or improve your talent in IT? There are some tips that you can learn and improve on, especially in IT. First, consider why you want to do it. Why do you have to learn technology? Why should we learn? Is it very important? That's the question for yourself, and plan for the next step to start learning technology. Second, to find out the required tips, you can search on the internet, like web browsing, for how to learn technology. And then practice, practice, and practice. The next step is to identify your flaws, double-check if you already learned something but made some mistakes, identify them, and then try to improve them again. Other suggestions include participating in lessons or tutoring if possible, or simply asking someone who is knowledgeable about IT. List your personal goals, such as learning the fundamentals of IT on day one, technology implementation in daily life on day two, and so on for the following day.

If you are still young, try to start learning even more, especially in the sector of technology. As explained earlier, learning technology has many benefits. I can be said to be young; I am currently still in high school. But I've been interested in learning technology (IT) since the 4th grade of elementary school. Because my father worked in the IT email department and became the director of an IT-based company, I was compelled to try learning technology after knowing that technology made people curious and wanting to dispel that curiosity.

My goal is to continue my father's talent and work, which is to become a director of IT consulting and proficient in IT technology. I still have a lot of time to develop myself and learn about technology. Whether or not it is easy to learn technology depends on your own intentions and desires. Learning technology is not as difficult or as complicated as you think if you set your mind to it; it even feels good if you enjoy learning about technology.

Therefore, I invite all who read this article to try to learn technology (IT) and develop their talents with the purpose of preparing for a future filled with technology that we may not have encountered today. This article was created to arouse your interest and talent as well as your curiosity about technology in the future, especially for the next generation of young people. I hope we all can understand the importance of technology, so with this, we can conclude that we are young people who must and can understand technology and practice it. It is far preferable if someone or you innovate and realize a previously unknown technology.

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