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Mira Sri Nuraini

Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Majalengka

How to Make Risoles (Procedure Text)

Diperbarui: 9 Mei 2021   19:25

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Risoles homemade

Wheat flour 500 gram
Pure cow's milk 1 liter
Chicken eggs 5 grains
Salt 2 tablespoon (10ml)
Vegetable oil/cooking oil/melted butter 8 tablespoon

How to make:
First make skin risoles**
Shuffle the egg in the container until it expands, then add salt.
Add a small amount of wheat flour to the egg roll. Squash the dough by hand. Cover the top of the container with a cloth or plastic sheet. Let's keep the dough at room temperature for 30 minutes.
Heat the frying pan. Apply some oil, then pour the little bit and thin batter into the fryer.
Form a circle.
Baking won't take long or baking the dough until it is brown gold.
Do it until the batter in the container is over.

Then add the contents**
Prepare the risoles' contents (Here, i used a slice of sausage, carrot, cornet, and chili).
Put the risoles' contents on the left-hand edge of the risoles skin (half of spoon risoles' contents).
Not too tight. Save some space.
Fold the empty left side to the right.
Fold the top down, then fold the lower skin up.
Roll the left to the right until the skin covers it perfectly.

The last, frying process**
Shake one egg
Put it in an egg roll, then put it in the breadcrumbs.
Heat the oil with a small fire.
Fry it until the colours become brown-gold.


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