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meri gozali

student of management study program, Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi dan Manajemen Indonesia Pematang Siantar

Study at Home

Diperbarui: 23 Juni 2020   15:35

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Pendidikan. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/McElspeth

Since covid19 occurred many activities have been disrupted, one of them learning activities. As we STAMI students become learning through online e-learning in order to reduce the spread of covid19.

The first time learning online felt good because there was no need to go to campus because there was sufficient access through the internet and maybe the task might also have been gone, and already started to feel bored because they have to stay at home and can not meet other people.

There are positives and negatives of us studying online such as English online classes lecturers teaching in English so as to further expand student knowledge. By learning online we can easily access material anytime and anywhere. Stay negative side sometimes the internet network is so annoying if we want to collect assignments or are being tested.

And sometimes the lecturer gives more assignments than explaining, so sometimes students find it difficult because the lesson that hasn't been explained has been given an assignment first to do.

In the online system there are many lessons that we do not understand because they are not explained like face to face classes as usual. Most are just given the task or do not make group discussions.

Because covid 19 we could not ask more clearly about the material provided because sometimes there is disruption to the internet which is slow and sometimes if you are late opening an e-learning the contents of the message above are not visible.

But still we can get a lot of lessons in covid19 even though covid19 interferes with our activities but we can still run the online learning process in an elearning stami system that is good enough to help the student's teaching and learning system. Hopefully this covid19 can pass quickly so we can learn face to face as usual again, before covid19 disrupts our teaching and learning activities. Keep your health and hygiene always use a mask if you are outside.

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