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Kingdom: Animalia

Diperbarui: 23 Juni 2015   23:21

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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

I wonder why humans act all high.

Could it be because God ever said that we’re humans, happen to be the most perfect creatures He has ever made?

That we’re blessed with intelligences.

And just like that,  humans soon think; “Great, I’m the most intelligence creature in this Earth. You, plants, you stupid. You can’t even make a sound! You, animals, the fuck are you doing here oh yes you’re here to entertain us, humans.”

But God forgot to bold it out that other creatures are also blessed with souls.

I’m personally disturbed that today I read someone tweeted about “Why we bother caring about animals, let’s just care about each other (humans) first!”

Well, ladies and gentlemen.

I want to think positively toward our mighty God, yes I do. So this is what I think;

Yes, maybe God made us the most perfect creature He has ever made. But with a purpose,  and that costs greater responsibility.

It is so us, humans, can take care of other ‘less-perfect’ creatures, such as vertebrate animals, plants, insects (eww), even mollusks, and starfishes, planktons, you name the rest.

And yes, because God forgot to remind you about this, let me remind you, that yes, animals and plants also have souls.

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