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Meissy Toding


Londa Cemetery

Diperbarui: 20 November 2021   14:54

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Travel. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Jcomp


A Real Creepy Cemetery Tour

In Indonesia, beside because of natural beauty, there are some places that attract tourist with their culture like in Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. For people who already knew or ever heard about Toraja, this place popular because their tradition about death. The ceremony, the grave, and the ritual for death people.

Death people in Toraja are not buried in the ground, but placed in stone grave or a cave. The reason death people buried in the stone, it is because Toraja is in highland and it is hard to find place to buried people on the ground, even if they do, they will lose a place to farming. But now since it hard to find available huge stone to turned into grave, people build a small house around 6 square meters called "Patane" to replace the stone. So, it is actually very common if you come to Toraja and found a small house without a window and a small entrance that is not a home for living but for death.

But if you want to see a popular site in Toraja, Londa Cemetery is one of the recommended places, if you have enough guts. This cemetery place in a huge natural cave about 6 kilometers from city center. The entrance fee cost 10.000 rupiah (0.7 $) for each person, not included the guide tour that cost around 50.000 Rupiah (3.5 $). In front of the cave, you can find some statue made from wood called "Tau-Tau" that carved similar with death people when they still alive. There is two entrance that connected by a small tunnel that only can pass crawling. Inside the cave you can find a lot of coffins, some of them already broken because of aged. And there also a lot of real human skull. Some of coffin didn't stack inside that cave, instead place on the high cliff in front of the cave.

This site already proposed to UNESCO, so it can protect. But until now, there is no certainty, and without a clear reason why.


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