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Life's Too Short to Make All The Mistakes, So Learn from Others!

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   05:36

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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

It's been a long time since the last time i wrote. This is not something really you should be taking seriously. It's just my random thoughts. Something i learned after visiting a friend's famous social networking page. It was just coincidence. On my visit to a friend's page, i saw catchy sentence. It's written:

Life's too short to make all the mistakes, so learn from others!

funny in a way, yet so true. how can we afford to make all the mistakes life has to offer, while our time here is short? the only way to really make life worthwhile is by watching others make mistakes along the way and learn from them. mean in some ways, yet reasonable. not to be idle in a way, but to save ourselves from doing the worthless. television program is the best example for these.

  1. Do you find yourself amused watching funniest home videos programs? Do you laugh to the scene of performers falling on styrofoam box? I laugh my f*@^$#& a*& off. I simply adore those moments when people stumble and fall when the camera is on. Or when some co-eds intentionally do silly pranks to their roommates and tape it. That’s why tv-show like Jacka** made its way to the silver screen and even franchised to the 4th installment. Now local tv stations also try to re-package those prank shows in various programs, ranging from pure-prank, comedy program, talk show and up to game show. This is the underlying reason why program like srimulat, opera van java, empat mata (or bukan empat mata) and the likes survive. [caption id="attachment_107967" align="aligncenter" width="475" caption="Opera van Java"][/caption] PEOPLE LOVES IT. LIFE’S TO SHORT TO MAKE ALL THE MISTAKES, SO THEY LEARN FROM OTHERS. That’s the RULE OF THUMB.
  2. whether we admit it or not, the most-famous, most-loved, most-watched guilty pleasure show for some people is the excessively-unnecessary gossip show ... or the so called:INFOTAINMENT ok ... now, let's do the math ... how many tv stations we have? we have at least a dozen national tv stations. now, count how many of them which does not air gossip show (a.k.a INFOTAINMENT)? the answer is NADA, NOTHING. All tv stations air INFOTAINMENT. NO! Am not going to write about the so-called invasion of privacy or the likes. Let’s leave it for the experts. Let’s just ask ourselves, why people loves INFOTAINMENT. In my opinion (forgive my subjectivity and my limited-narrow perspective), people loves INFOTAINMENT because they can LEARN ALL THE MISTAKES from others (in this case, the so-called celebrities). And the best thing is that it comes for FREE. They can see how the Has-Beens try anything to be on the limelight again, by doing whatever is necessary, ranging from using drugs to dating or marrying minors … doing things the illegal ways, committing their MISTAKES. They can also learn how the Wannabes also fight their way to the big screen, even by fighting other Wannabes or the dim-lit (or should I say dim-witted) Has-Beens celebrities to create cheap-skate publicity, publishing unnecessary and overexploited stories their failing love life, history of drugs abuse, and even their prison life. And again, people loves these because they don’t have to commit such life mistakes, because CELEBRITIES DO and WILL ALWAYS DO. Do I love it? It’s a guilty pleasure … plus, I don’t have to make all the mistakes and learn from others for free, so, why not … sometimes I do.
  3. another kind of annoying tv program is STAGED-REALITY-SHOW. Production house has been so kind to let people learn from others’ mistakes by airing the OVERLY-INSENSITIVE, HARSH, BADLY-STARRED BY POOR PERFORMERS (not to call them actors/actresses) SCENARIO-ED REALITY SHOW. It’s the new breed … a well scenario-ed reality show, performing cheap stunt of love affairs, bizarre love triangle, different sexual orientation ... all decorated with tears, unfriendly-harsh language and excessive blows (as in jab and overcut) ... and yes, sometimes very un-sympathetic hosts And people LOVES it … just because the can learn from others mistakes. however, I found this annoying and always skip the turn.

Some people say that we learn from our mistakes. But i prefer saying why waste our limited resources by making mistakes while we can watch others make mistakes and learn from them. it's not learning by doing when it involves us making mistakes. it's UN-LEARNING (hopefully this will be a new word, like the word un-friend as popularized by facebook ... amen to that). But reaping the fruit of others' mistakes isa totally different concept. Not in the terms of being an opportunistic, but being resource-wise. reasonable, eh? in other words ... WHAT ARE THE RECENT MISTAKES YOU’VE DONE LATELY? MAY I LEARN FROM YOU? cheers! ps: i also posted this in my facebook note

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