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Luka Matic

Mahasiswa Perhotelan Institut Pariwisata Trisakti

Totalitarian Order and Constitutional Rights and Freedoms Part 2

Diperbarui: 2 Maret 2022   14:37

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Hai, Saya Luka Matic, Mahasiswa D4 Perhotelan 2020 Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti. Saya merupakan Penerima Beasiswa Prestasi 100% Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti. Saya harap dapat membagikan sesuatu yang bermanfaat. Terima kasih. 


In the previous article I have written about introduction of the Totalitarian Orders and Constitutional Rights and Freedoms. In this second part, I ll be writing about examples of these totalitarian regimes and their rights.  The following examples of Soviet Union, Third Reich and Democratic Kampuchea, clearly indicate these views.


Constitution of the Soviet Union of 1936 (the so-called Stalin's Constitution)


The Constitution of the Soviet Union from 1936 introduced significant innovations into the existing constitutional and legal order of the Soviet Union, exhaustively stating numerous rights and freedoms of citizens. 

This constitution explicitly guarantees the right to work, the right to rest and free time, provides for a system of protection and assistance in the event of old age, illness and loss of ability to work, defines a system of social insurance and financing from the state budget and free medical care. 

Free education, full equality of men and women, equality of all citizens regardless of nationality and race, separation of church and state and state from school, freedom of religion, freedom of anti-religious propaganda, freedom of speech, press, assembly (including holding mass rallies) ), organization of street processions and demonstrations, freedom of association of citizens within various public organizations, and especially the inviolability of the person, home and privacy of correspondence has been determined and guaranteed. 

The eleventh chapter of the constitution is dedicated to the regulation of the electoral system, and the novelty brought by that section referred to the introduction of universal suffrage, which thus became the constitutionally guaranteed right of citizens.

A summary analysis of Stalin's constitution in the field of human rights regulation indicates that it is a democratic constitution, which is highly harmonized with modern civilization in the field of understanding the position of the individual and his civil and personal status. This analysis would also indicate a progressive shift in the constitutional regulation of human rights compared to the previous constitution of 1924, as well as the legislator's desire to base the state and social order on respect for freedom, equality, diversity and non-discrimination.

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