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You Are Not Your #Idol

Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   01:28

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I still remember what my mother exactly said several couples of years ago, “You’ve to be proud of yourself. You don’t need to be somebody else”. Those set of words stuck in my mind all the time. I am whatever I am and I love it. Talking about being ourselves; I have an Idol, a role model and also the controversial one, MILEY CYRUS. I love that girl very much, her magic words especially. Even though she doesn’t know me or even doesn’t want to know every single thing about me, I am still crazy about her. Miley teaches me how to be your own self, how to be proud of what you have-what you do. She always emphasizes that we, have to go to the beat of our drum. Oh my God, I love that one, seems like she wants to say; nothing is beautiful than becoming our own, whatever it is. But, life is not always as what we expected, right? A lot of people around me keep asking, “Why do you still love Miley after what she’s done?” “Have you lost your mind being crazy of that immature kid?” Ohh, and I was just thinking like, you guys are busy concerning about the negative side of her and you forget the bright side. Let’s realize becoming exactly like what she’s doing right now is totally not easy. It needs a lot of effort and sacrifice. I don’t care what people are talking when they know that I am crazy about Miley. When you love or idolize someone, it doesn’t mean you have to be exactly as they are, remember just be yourself. Will I twerk like what Miley did? Of course NOT! Will I smoke marijuana? Of course NOT! Will I wear what Miley wear on her videos? Of course NOT! I am smart enough to be one of her million fans! Take the positivity and throw away the negativity, as simple as that!


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