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My 19th Birthday

Diperbarui: 16 Desember 2022   21:00

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Cerpen. Sumber ilustrasi: Unsplash

My name is Sarah. Tomorrow, March 13, is my 19th birthday. I want to share what happened to me in the past year, and maybe this will be my last story.

It all started on November 10th. At that time, my school was celebrating Hari Pahlawan. I participated in the nail-in-a-bottle competition. However, when the competition was about to start, nausea stabbed my stomach. So, I had to be replaced by my friend, Dina. I went straight to the toilet because I was afraid the vomit would go everywhere. After that, I called my dad to pick me up and asked for permission to go home early. I asked my father to buy me tolak angin and the nausea subsided. If only it had really subsided...

For two weeks, I felt the nausea that wouldn't stop. I insisted on going to school and didn't tell Mama, because I knew... By that time my period was already three weeks late.

Ridho, my boyfriend. We've known each other for 11 years. We always went to the same school, and his house was only 5 kilometers away from mine. He was in 11th grade IPA 5, while I was in 1st grade IPA. We were having lunch together in the cafeteria.


"Yeah, Sar?"

"My period is late."

"Isn't it always late though?" he retorted. He was still indifferent and continued eating.

"No, it's been 3 weeks."

"Don't tell me...?"

"Yes. I'm nauseous too."

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