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Banda Aceh and Islamic Tourism

Diperbarui: 27 Maret 2019   16:20

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Banda Aceh is a capital city of Aceh province. It is located in the west of Indonesia. Banda Aceh also known as Serambi Mekkah which is very thick about Islamic law that is Syariat Islam. One of the applications of Islamic law in Banda Aceh is the number of mosques, the application of closing aurat and others.

Every tourist who visits Banda Aceh will definitely go to the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque. Not only tourist but Aceh people who visits Banda Aceh also come to that place.  Baiturrahman Grand Mosque is one of the most famous iconic tourism place in Banda Aceh. In 2018 Baiturrahman Grand Mosque Totally Change. It is mostly like Nabawi Mosque because of the Umbrellas. Many other things change like basecamp under the mosque. And it is more larger than before. So, Baiturrahman Grand mosque is an Islamic Torism in Banda Aceh.

Visiting Banda Aceh makes every tourist feels that they are in the middle east like Mecca or Medina because of the environment. The situation in Banda Aceh is the same as in the case of Islamic law. For example every women in the aceh are obligated to close their aurat. So, going to Banda Aceh never makes you boring.

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