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Global Warming, now Global Boiling is worse than it looks..

Diperbarui: 4 Desember 2023   17:27

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Let's be honest and think, we all should have known on what is Global Warming right? Have you also noticed our planet's temperature rising quickly? Well today, I will inform you about the topic you will be reading today. 

What is Global Warming?

Global Warming is the increasing and rapid heat in the Earth's surface caused by human activities over the past one or two centuries. It is mainly caused by fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gases such as, carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons and other gasses into the atmosphere. Due to the temperature rising rapidly, we aren't experiencing 'Global Warming' now, but we have now entered a new era called 'Global Boiling' 

There are several causes of global warming that impacts plants, animals, and humans negatively. These causes might just be natural or even the result of human activities. But before I explain the causes, let us understand first on 'Global Boiling'

What is Global Boiling?


Why is it now called global boiling and not global warming anymore? Well, as the temperatures of the Earth's atmosphere continue to rise rapidly, extreme weather events will occur, such as hurricanes, droughts, and heavy rain. These weather events may lead to others getting injured or their properties getting destroyed. Global boiling will get worse in the oncoming years if we don't help take action. 

Causes of Global Warming

1. Deforestation 


Deforestation is one of the major effects of global warming as it is the action of clearing out trees and not re-planting them. A grown tree takes in carbon dioxide. This happens happens because of greenhouses gas we emit from burning fossils such as, coal, gas, and oil. These lead to terrible consequences in nature namely the increased flooding, soil erosion, and other consequences. In fact, deforestation is 10% of the cause for global warming. 

 2. Consuming too much Power

We all use electricity in our daily lives but, using too much of that power can affect the environment too! In fact, electricity comes from fossil fuels. The greenhouse gas that comes from the fossil fuels will also cause climate change, and may result in increased weather, deforestation, desertification, and other terrible outcomes that will continue to get worse if we continue to emit carbon dioxide into our atmosphere.

 3. Greenhouse Effect


What is the greenhouse effect? The greenhouse effect is the process that happen when greenhouse gasses in Earth’s atmosphere get trapped in the Sun’s heat. The CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) that releases burning fossil fuels accumulate as an enclosure trapping the Sun’s heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. Here are the greenhouse gasses :

  •  Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
  • Methane (CH4)
  • Nitrous Oxide (N20)
  • Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
  • Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)
  • Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6)
  • Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF3)

Greenhouse gasses are actually apart of Earth’s atmosphere, therefore making Earth often called as the ‘Goldilocks’ planet. Earth maintains an average temperature of 15°C or 59°F. However, human activities have worsen, and them burning fossil fuels have led to carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gasses into the atmosphere resulting in the Earth’s rising atmosphere for decades.

Effects of Global Warming

Since 1900, Earth’s temperature has risen by 1.5 degrees Celsius. The more the temperature rises, effects begin to also worsen. Temperatures have gotten severely hotter resulting in wildfires starting easily and spreading more. This will also lead to many glaciers melting. And when that happens, sea levels will rise which can also be a risk to animals in the water and even on land. The temperature can also affect our own safety, as diseases can occur more often and make it difficult for the health system to keep up. Extreme weather events may also occur more often as global warming has been linked to these extreme events, such as the increased rising in water, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other disasters that can cause diseases, and even worse, death.

Is there any way to help stop Global Warming?


You might be thinking, “If global warming that is now global boiling getting worse, how can I help?” Well, there are several things that we all can do to help to decrease global warming. You can even start helping by doing simple things at home! For example, we can always save our electricity by closing the lights and our sinks when not needed. As we can see, we all really can help. Other examples are not using your vehicle too often. You can try to walk, use a bicycle, or take public transportation. Well, you don’t need to if your destination is too far, but we can always walk when the destination is not too far. Eating more vegetables can even help! Eating less meat and more healthier options can lower your environmental impact (changes in the natural or built environment). Talking about eating vegetables, make sure to not throw away your food as it can also help. If we waste our food, it will rot in a landfill and produce methane (CH4), one of the greenhouse gasses. You also may seen people who switched their cars to an electric one. Even though they produce fossil fuels, electric cars help reduce air pollution and cause fewer greenhouse gasses.


To sum everything up, we now know that the Earth's temperature is rising rapidly due to human activities, and that we are entering a new era known as Global Boiling. Extreme weather events are beginning to occur more frequently, with peoples lives at risk due to the burning temperature. There are also several causes for global warming, such as deforestation which is 10% of the cause for global warming. Other causes such as using too much power is also included, as electricity comes from fossil fuels. There is also the greenhouse effect, where greenhouse gasses get trapped in the Sun's heat, resulting in burning fossils to create an enclosure around the Earth's atmosphere. Global warming also has effects to it, such as hotter temperatures, wildfires spreading and starting more easily, glaciers melting, extreme weather events, and animals and humans at risk to such things! To help with global warming now global boiling, we can all start doing simple things at home like, eating more vegetables, saving electricity, and many more!  

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