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3 Things That I Will Do If I'm Entrusted 1 Billion Money

Diperbarui: 8 September 2024   13:14

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

In this life, there are so many things we want to do. Especially if we have a lot of money, we can definitely do or buy the things we want. So here I will write "3 things I would do if I was entrusted with 1 billion rupiah, at my current age".

      The first thing I will do is buy land and build a house that is good enough for me and my family to live in. Because now my family and I are still living at someone else's house, so I want to do that so that we have our own place to live and don't have to stay at someone else's house anymore.

     The second thing I will do is to give capital to my parents to start a business. I do that so that my family's economy runs smoothly and is not hindered in meeting all family needs, my and my younger sibling's education costs, as well as other needs.

    The third thing I will do is Umrah with my family. Because Umrah is a Muslim worship that has many rewards. Many people want it, but many cannot do it because of financial constraints. So I want to go for Umrah with my family, and if Allah permits, I also want to go for Hajj with my family to fulfill the fifth pillar of Islam.

    Those are the 3 things I would do if I was entrusted with 1 billion rupiah. Maybe I will use the rest of the money for my needs, namely buying a laptop and tablet for college, buying my outfits, skincare, and makeup. I will also donate to people in need because helping others is a very noble thing, and then I will save it for later if I need it.

    In this life, everything or desire that humans do will never end. If you have one wish, another wish will emerge. It depends on how we, as wise humans, use the fortune we have for useful things.


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