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"The biggest party for moslem,,Happy Idul fitri 1433H"

Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   01:34

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Good evening friend,

How are you to day, I hope all of you always ok. And must be ok, right? coz tomorrow is the biggest party for moslem in the world. I mean tomorrow is moslem day, Idul Fitri 1433 H.  So from the deepest heart I want to say " Please forgive all of my mistake, And its time to forgive each other. Lets open new life, New person after one month Ramadhan. may we become new person. May Allah almighty blessing us always. Amin.

I dont know what must write now, coz my feel now is so complicated. I so glad to take Idul fitri tomorrow, but beside that I so sad, coz on this party I so far from my big family. I just alone now. At corner of my bedroom I listen at outside all of people happy. When Allah give us the biggest win.  But now inside of my bedroom, I just write at my netbook to share all of you. Do you know friend, No I still crying,,I just remember all of my fams at my hometown. My dad, he always busy when Idul fitri comes every year. My mom, She so busy to make some cake, opor, rendang and other tocelebrate Idul fitri. My sister,,,all of my fams so busy to celebrate this moment.

Now is my first time to celebrate Idul fitri not at my hometown. But its ok. May Allah safe me always, make me strong althought so far away from all of them.  I know, Cry is not make problem clear, but Cry make my feel ok.

" To All friend,,Happy Idul fitri 1433 H,,,please forgive all of my mistake,,May Allah blessing us alway,,,Amin

Warmest Regards,

* I am so sorry if my grammer so bad, I just wanna to improve my english


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