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Leni Marlina _ FBS UNP Padang

Universitas Negeri Padang

Meaningful Morning

Diperbarui: 22 Mei 2024   08:18

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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

Meaningful Morning *

By Leni Marlina**


Morning dawns, bidding the night farewell,  
The sun's golden rays warm our beloved earth.  
Life stirs awake from peaceful dreams,  
Each one of us begins our day, fulfilling our worth.

The morning light is stunning here,  
Its glow not only nurtures our health,  
But also mends our lonely hearts,  
A gift from nature's endless wealth.

I see the sun rise in our sky,  
Its brilliance urging me to persevere,  
To face my life's challenges with grace,  
And find solace in its calming cheer.

O Sun, if I could reach out to you,  
I'd hold you close, your warmth to keep,  
And carry you within my heart,  
Through every valley, every peak.

To my family and friends afar,  
I smile as I greet each new day,  
With love that overflows my heart,  
Guiding me on my way.

Every morning we rise together,  
In spirit, if not in place,  
To live, to work, to pray with hope,  
Facing each day's trials with grace.

We are stronger through the days,  
Knowing we share this morning light,  
Together, we can face the storms,  
And find our way, however dark the night.

*It was written firstly in Leni Marlina's private poem collection in 2010 in Padang, West Sumatra.

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